Thursday, April 30, 2009

inT's Player of the Month update

April has come to an end. It is time to announce to Player of the Month, but first we have to vote. Only members with inT in front of its name can participate as candidates while others cant but they can only vote. Every member including the candidates can vote ONCE. To be fair, I, inT-Itachi-| will not be participating in this poll because I'm responsible for those votes. Please pm me and tell me whose your favourite player or most capable player in inT. You are allowed to vote for yourself.  (eg. inT-Itachi-| inT-Itachi-| or inT-Itachi-| inT-QiinZ-|) 
You can only pm me and tell me your vote from today onwards to this Sunday which is 3rd May 2009. Happy voting!~

Saturday, April 25, 2009

DotA Keys

DoTa Keys is a program which allows you to edit your DotA Hotkey to wherever you like it to be as long it is in your keyboard. It is a very simple program but can make you become more imba because of your fast reaction with DotA keys.
I'm going to teach you how to use DotA keys.
First download DotA Keys in this link.
1. Run Editor from Main Window 
2. Type required hotkeys to edits. Only a..z, 0..9 and some special keys (like SPACE,home etc) are allowed. 
3. Now press "Save" and "Exit" then wait until DotaKeys load Main Window 

Default settings:
  • q,w,e,r for skills
  • a,s,d,f for commands ( move, stop... )
  • 2,3,4,5 for items
  • Z for "toggle life bars"  
Before you start to use DotA keys u must configure it first. But you must choose your heroes in the game first. Example you chose Zues, then click edit order>> Hero/Custom Codes>> Custom => Hero >> and choose zues and click ok.
Click editor if you want to edit some keys, otherwise click activate and you are ready to go.

DotA quiz #3- Golem's Protestion

Since DotA quiz #2 had been solved 5 mins after i released the quiz, this time it will be a tough difficult quiz. 
In this screenshot, there are several mud golems standing in front of Roshan. Are they guarding Roshan or are they protesting? Well, they are both guarding and protesting. They are preventing us, DotA Players to kill roshan and protesting because they are spawned every minute and we keep killing them. This made them very mad and wanted to throw mud at us. The Chief Mud Golem said: "You humans treat us, mud golems, as if we are mud golems. Yes, we are mud golems but we do have prides!" Our lord, Roshan is trying to protect us but human race surpass our race by 100 : 1. 
The question is how to make the golems to be in Roshan's Area?

Friday, April 24, 2009

inT's Family Profile update

Name : inT-haN-|
Short Description : Han is a military general in the Han Dynasty. Within months, the han empire had took over 18 kingdoms. He defeated many great warriors including the Rebellion's most capable commander. It is believed that Han has the strength and might of 1,000 soldiers. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

inT's Replay of the Week 2

This week's Replay of the Week is vs Kingdom. Most of the players in Kingdom were played by MYM players. So we can say its vs MYM~ Ks^Kurocky pawned Kingdom with 20/2 kills/death. This is a must watch game. Well played by and Kingdom. 
Here's the LINK of the replay.

InT's imba DotA quiz #2

In the screenshot above, Morphling replicated himself!~ Is that even possible? But the screenshot can prove it is possible. This is done in 6.59d, All Pick mode.

If you know how to do this, please write your answer in the chatbox below.
Clue #1- It is definately not a bug.
Clue #2- It is not Manta Style or Illusions.
Clue #3- It is not -du or -sh and replicate your ally morphling.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

inT vs 5 friends team

inT pawned a 5 friends team imba-ly!~
Here's the link of the replay.

Our star player inT-Itachi-|, of course turned the game inwards outwards and upside down. 
There are few epic moments and one of them is where Tinker, played by inT-Itachi ks-ed roshan when it is last hit. Another imba moments is Tidehunter's  great escape.

Answer to inT's imba DotA quiz #1

It's simple, you can either do it in single player or LAN. If its in LAN u must type -test. And type -powerup to spawn a rune. Collect it until you got 5 of each runes. 

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wanted : Dead or Alive

There is an imposter Qinz using Qinz's and he claimed that he is Qinz but a fake one of course. I want him dead or alive, preferred to be DEAD. ( Reward : Dead= 44 gg shells, Alive= 44 Oyster shells)

InT's Replay of the Week

I have decided to change the new weekly feature. Instead of posting replays played by us, I will post replays played by international clans. This week's Replay of the Week is vs Ravens
You can download the replay in this LINK. Its in Warcraft III 1.23, if you don't have 1.23 kindly read the previous post and learn how to change it to 1.23.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Warcraft III Version Switcher 1.22 & 1.23

If you don't like to have so many warcraft III folders such as 1.21 1.22 1.23, you can try downloading Version Switcher. By installing this you can switch your Warcraft III version from 1.22 to 1.23 and vice versa.
Here The LiNk

Warcraft Version Switcher (Step by Step Guide for noobs):
Step 1- Download Warcraft version switcher from the link above.
Step 2- Open Warcraft Version Switcher.exe and install it to any folder.
Step 3- Open the folder where you installed WVS.
Step 4- Now open Wvs.exe
Step 5- Click the 4th button from left side (Option Button).
Step 6- Enter you Warcraft 3 Path like "c:\Dota" at the bottom of the Options Window.
Step 7- Close Option Window and Now click Switch Version Button (1st Button).
Step 8- Double Click the version you want to switch. Warcraft 1.22 Or Warcraft 1.23
Step 9- Version will be switched.
Step 10- Once again go and thank Itachi for this imba information.
Source :

Warcraft III 1.23 patch

Blizzard Entertainment had created Warcraft 1.23 patch some time ago and the games played by international clans had also changed to Warcraft 1.23. If you wanna watch latest replays, you wont be able to watch it coz its in version 1.23. But dont worry, I, imba Itachi, is here to help you all.

Warcraft III 1.23 Patch Step by step guide for dummies~
All right noobz, listen to what the pro has to say.
Step 1- Download the Patch in this LINK below.
Step 2- Copy your Warcraft 1.22 folder and rename it as Warcraft III 1.23. Please don't copy Warcraft III 1.21 and tell me it doesn't work. Its Warcraft III 1.22!!!
Step 3- Paste the downloaded patch into your Warcraft III 1.23 folder. Don't double click it coz it won't work that way. To noobs who double click it, here's some advice from the experts~ If it is so simple then i wont be here, noob. All right back to where we stopped.
Step 4-Now click start and press Run and type in regedit. (Start > Run > Regedit)
Step 5- Navigate to HKEY-CURRENT_USER> Software > Blizzard Entertainment> Warcraft III
Step 6- Now, right click on Warcraft III, choose new>String Value, rename it as InstallPath
Step 7- Right click on Installpath and choose Modify.
Step 8- In value Data, write the address to your WC3 folder, example mine is C:\Program Files\Warcraft III 1.23.
Step 9- Click Ok, close it and run the downloaded file jus now. Your warcraft should be 1.23 now.
Step 10- Now go and thank Itachi for providing this imba information or thank him in the chatbox. =)

If you need any help or experience any difficulty, feel free to ask me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

World of Warcraft Theme for your Desktop

The best thing about this world of warcraft theme is that you don’t have to install or configure any third party theme software like windows blind etc. Just download the warcraft theme and install it!! Looks real good :)

This world of warcraft theme is totally free for everyone, it’s around 6.47MB in size.

You can download it HERE

inT's Player of the Month

There are too many imba players in inT and one of them deserve to be called imba among imbas or Player of the Month. Some players excelled to the point where they got too imba, while some dominated one and only category - as DotA is a teamgame where a team consists of 5 players of which each plays a different role, it is nearly impossible to have a player to be in multiple categories.

Who owned the most? Who bought the most wards? Who was the most dominant on ventrilo? Who farmed the most?

Method; (Top Ganker, Support, Carry and Leader): 1. Every inT members will be interviewed to list down their personal top support,carry,gank, and leader. 2. After every members have responded, the results were summarized and analyzed to create the ranking. Individual with the highest vote will be ranked as number 1.

Errors and bias are unavoidable but with a big sample size like this and by asking responsible members, the bias is highly reduced.

The Community Poll:

At the end of each category, you will have the chance to vote for your personal favourite ganker, carry, support, and leader of the month. Every inT can participate as well as vote in this poll. The names of those chosen will be revealed soon. Return the favour to the superstars that have inspired your playstyle throughout the year. Be a part of the community poll!

inT's Replay of the Week

To inTs,

I am going to present you the first edition of our new weekly feature called Replay of the Week. There are so many games that are played, and some of them deserve the privilege to be called the Replay of the Week. We want to show you some of our imba skills in the Replay of the Week. This new feature will start probably next week, we will save everygame we played and choose the best among the bests and call it as Replay of the Week. Have an imba pwning day.! 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

inT's family profile

Name : inT-BunNy-|
Short Description : Bunny loves bunny, he always hugs his cute little bunny when he sleeps. He love bunny until he will change his enemies into bunny so that he can hug him.

 Name : inT-WindZ-|
Short Description : Windz is an unique human with 2 genders, he likes to molest his enemies with his sp
ecial ability. Windz can change his gender according to the situation.
Name : inT-DavyZ-|
Short Description : Davyz is a happy panda. He always smile and he enjoys smiling. He can smile even when he is going to die or when he is losing.
 Name : inT-GuysZ-|                                                                                                                    Short Description : Guysz is a forgetful person. He always forget to brush his teeth. As a result, his teeth are yellow and he has bad breath. When he opens his mouth, his enemies will die instantly.
Name : inT-QiinZ-|
Short Description : Qiinz is an imba person. He is an imba warrior of the North Townhille. Qiinz always wear a mask when he go to war. He killed Itachi in a war against the South Kingdom. Qiinz died of old age in the year of 6509 B.C. It is believe that ppl can still see the mask Qiinz wore everytime there is a war.                                                                 

Name : inT-Itachi-|
Short Description : Itachi is too imba. He is a great warrior in the South Kingdom. Itachi killed a lot of heroes and the King of South Kingdom decided to build a statue of him. Itachi fought bravely and died in a battle against Qinzz in the Battle of Ice Crown.

DotA 6.60 beta 21 map

This is the new changes made in DotA 6.60~with 2 new heroes added(Batrider and Tauren Chieftain), 2 new items(Magic Wand and Force Staff), Heroes remade on Viper and Razor~ You can get the beta map by clicking this link below 

Friday, April 10, 2009

inT's Imba DotA Quiz

Do you believe in Ultra Imba-ness? Well in the picture above an imba kunkka has Haste, Double Damage, Invisibility, Regeneration and Illusions. OMFG?! How can that possibly happened? But with the power of inT's Imba ability, we can make heroes take 5 runes and use all of them together!~ This is done in 6.59c, Allpick Mode.

If you know how to do this, please write your answer in the chatbox below and you may win a Razer Mouse and Razer Keyboard.
Clue #1- It is definately not a bug.
The prizes are sponsored by our best clan lord and that is  inT-QiinZ-|. Thank you for his sponsors!

Welcome to inT-Gaming

Welcome to inT-Gaming!~ Infinity Nefarious Team ~ A place where you can pawn infinity enemies! And that includes some nefarious enemies as well. So as I am saying inT-Gaming is a place we can pawn infinity enemies, but sometimes we get bored. What should we do when we get bored? We can come to this blog and listen to the songs below or even sing along with it. inT-Gaming has a very special quote and that is No Qiin, No Life. Every inT mus bear it in mind so that our inT spirit will forever stay inside our hearts. Have an imba pawning day!