Saturday, April 11, 2009

inT's family profile

Name : inT-BunNy-|
Short Description : Bunny loves bunny, he always hugs his cute little bunny when he sleeps. He love bunny until he will change his enemies into bunny so that he can hug him.

 Name : inT-WindZ-|
Short Description : Windz is an unique human with 2 genders, he likes to molest his enemies with his sp
ecial ability. Windz can change his gender according to the situation.
Name : inT-DavyZ-|
Short Description : Davyz is a happy panda. He always smile and he enjoys smiling. He can smile even when he is going to die or when he is losing.
 Name : inT-GuysZ-|                                                                                                                    Short Description : Guysz is a forgetful person. He always forget to brush his teeth. As a result, his teeth are yellow and he has bad breath. When he opens his mouth, his enemies will die instantly.
Name : inT-QiinZ-|
Short Description : Qiinz is an imba person. He is an imba warrior of the North Townhille. Qiinz always wear a mask when he go to war. He killed Itachi in a war against the South Kingdom. Qiinz died of old age in the year of 6509 B.C. It is believe that ppl can still see the mask Qiinz wore everytime there is a war.                                                                 

Name : inT-Itachi-|
Short Description : Itachi is too imba. He is a great warrior in the South Kingdom. Itachi killed a lot of heroes and the King of South Kingdom decided to build a statue of him. Itachi fought bravely and died in a battle against Qinzz in the Battle of Ice Crown.

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