Friday, April 10, 2009

inT's Imba DotA Quiz

Do you believe in Ultra Imba-ness? Well in the picture above an imba kunkka has Haste, Double Damage, Invisibility, Regeneration and Illusions. OMFG?! How can that possibly happened? But with the power of inT's Imba ability, we can make heroes take 5 runes and use all of them together!~ This is done in 6.59c, Allpick Mode.

If you know how to do this, please write your answer in the chatbox below and you may win a Razer Mouse and Razer Keyboard.
Clue #1- It is definately not a bug.
The prizes are sponsored by our best clan lord and that is  inT-QiinZ-|. Thank you for his sponsors!

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