Saturday, April 25, 2009

DotA Keys

DoTa Keys is a program which allows you to edit your DotA Hotkey to wherever you like it to be as long it is in your keyboard. It is a very simple program but can make you become more imba because of your fast reaction with DotA keys.
I'm going to teach you how to use DotA keys.
First download DotA Keys in this link.
1. Run Editor from Main Window 
2. Type required hotkeys to edits. Only a..z, 0..9 and some special keys (like SPACE,home etc) are allowed. 
3. Now press "Save" and "Exit" then wait until DotaKeys load Main Window 

Default settings:
  • q,w,e,r for skills
  • a,s,d,f for commands ( move, stop... )
  • 2,3,4,5 for items
  • Z for "toggle life bars"  
Before you start to use DotA keys u must configure it first. But you must choose your heroes in the game first. Example you chose Zues, then click edit order>> Hero/Custom Codes>> Custom => Hero >> and choose zues and click ok.
Click editor if you want to edit some keys, otherwise click activate and you are ready to go.

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