Thursday, April 30, 2009

inT's Player of the Month update

April has come to an end. It is time to announce to Player of the Month, but first we have to vote. Only members with inT in front of its name can participate as candidates while others cant but they can only vote. Every member including the candidates can vote ONCE. To be fair, I, inT-Itachi-| will not be participating in this poll because I'm responsible for those votes. Please pm me and tell me whose your favourite player or most capable player in inT. You are allowed to vote for yourself.  (eg. inT-Itachi-| inT-Itachi-| or inT-Itachi-| inT-QiinZ-|) 
You can only pm me and tell me your vote from today onwards to this Sunday which is 3rd May 2009. Happy voting!~

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