Saturday, August 8, 2009

Welcome to ReNeW-xOx-GaMing

Welcome to ReNeW-xOx-GaMing! This is a place where you will Xplore a whole new world ~ Open up a new dimension~ and feel the Xcitement of it. We, the members of ReNeW-xOx-GaMing, will Xtract the souls of our prey ~ Obliterate their Throne ~ and made them Xtinct. We will not Xpel weaklings from the clan ~ instead we will Offer our sincere help ~ and Xpress our love towards them. ReNeW-xOx-GaMing will soon become an Xpert in DotA ~ after Owning the top DotA players in the world , ~ nobody will ignore our Xistence.

We are xOx and we are coming to pawn you.

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