Saturday, August 15, 2009

DotA Quiz #9- Jin'zakk, the rune stealer

Once a expendable spy, Jin'Zakk has outlived the suicidal tendencies of other Bat Riders to create a unique style, one that favours thievery instead of wanton destruction. His years of battle experience have allowed him to innovate creative skill-Rune stealing. He will keep the stolen runes in his base to use it in the future. Jin'Zakk will patiently wait for the rune to spawn and steal in once the rune is spawned.
This week's quiz is how to keep runes in the base?

Answer to DotA Quiz # 7 & 8

The answer is simple. I'm sure everyone know this trick. Kill a roshan get the aegis and break the throne. When the throne is about to explode, go and die and you will be revived. And you can control your heroes but other players cant. TC can summon the ancestor but the ancestor will stay in the map forever, same goes to mirana's arrow.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dota Trick- What happens when -WTF meets MKB

What happens if -wtf mode + the latest buffed Monkey King Bar?!
This screenshot shows it all! Drow Ranger with MKB is dealing 0 dmg to roshan! Well, any hero equipped with MKB in a -wtf mode will nvr hit roshan because MKB true strike will be blocked by Roshan's linken or something. So you will nvr hit him using physical damage.

DotA Quiz #8- It's Arrow Party Time!

Hi ppl, It has been long since the last quiz i posted. Anyway i still haven reveal the answer for DotA Quiz#7-Tauren Ancestors' Revival. Well I will post them next week with answer for DotA Quiz #8-It's Arrow Party Time! The reason is because they are both similiar.
Now lets look at this screenshot, we can see many arrows somehow floating still. And there are 10 arrows in total. Nightshade seems to have master her arrow technique by making the arrow stay still.
No Elune's Arrows were break in the making of this quiz. Good Luck! Happy Solving.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Welcome to ReNeW-xOx-GaMing

Welcome to ReNeW-xOx-GaMing! This is a place where you will Xplore a whole new world ~ Open up a new dimension~ and feel the Xcitement of it. We, the members of ReNeW-xOx-GaMing, will Xtract the souls of our prey ~ Obliterate their Throne ~ and made them Xtinct. We will not Xpel weaklings from the clan ~ instead we will Offer our sincere help ~ and Xpress our love towards them. ReNeW-xOx-GaMing will soon become an Xpert in DotA ~ after Owning the top DotA players in the world , ~ nobody will ignore our Xistence.

We are xOx and we are coming to pawn you.