Sunday, May 3, 2009

Player of the Month - inT-QiinZ-|

The result for inT's player of the month is out. Congratulations to inT-QiinZ-| for having the most votes. inT-QiinZ-| will be April's Player of the Month. It seems that inT love QiinZ very much. Thank you to everyone who participated in this poll. 
The following are the result of the votes:
inT-QiinZ-|       = 62.5%
inT-BunNy-|     = 12.5%
inT-WindZ-|      = 12.5%
inT-FuyOh-|      = 6.25%
inT-AfterNext-| = 6.25%

I had an interview with the Player of the Month to hear what is his secret behind it.
This is the result of the interview:
inT-Itachi-| : Hi QiinZ, Congratulations for being inT's April's Player of the Month. 
inT-QiinZ-| : Hmmph, I knew that I'm going to win. So, there is nothing to be suprise about.
inT-Itachi-| : o.O You are very confident aren't you? Do you have anyone you want to thank?
inT-QiinZ-| : Yes, of course! First, I want to thank my family for supporting me. I want to thank my mother for bringing me to this world. I also wanna thank my dad for making my mom's egg fertilize so that I can be borned. I also wanna thank my DotA guru for teaching me how to play DotA. I also want to thank...
inT-Itachi-| : Ok, ok. I think that's enough. So, what is your next achievement you want to make?
inT-QiinZ-| : Oh, my next achievement is I want to pawn everyone and be World No. 1 for I am IMBA QIINZ~
inT-Itachi-| : Do you have anything to say to your member who voted you?
inT-QiinZ-| : Thank you for supporting me, imba qiinz.
inT-Itachi-| : Thank you, qiinz for allowing me to interview you.
inT-QiinZ-| : No Problem.

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